Tannoy VXP 8-WH

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S'il vous plaît noter! Ce produit est temporairement indisponible. 1,600 Watt 8” Dual Concentric Powered Sound Reinforcement Loudspeaker with Integrated LAB GRUPPEN IDEEA Class-D Amplification (White) Lire plus
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Top quality Dual Concentric Powered Sound Reinforcement Loudspeaker, Class-D – Massive Power, Perfect Sound, Dual Concentric Driver.

The Tannoy VXP 8-WH Concentric full range is small in size but will surprise you with its exceptional sound.
It is a smart solution for small-scale performance sound reinforcement, as well as more demanding background music and high-intelligibility speech applications.
Equipped with a very efficient and lightweight LAB GRUPPEN IDEEA Class-D power amplifier, the VXP 8-WH provides an impressive 1,600 Watts of output power in a highly portable and lightweight package.

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