
GreenGO Slim Interface for 4-wire systems

4 wire partyline interface - This audio in/out interface connects either to an existing matrix or other analog interfacing products.

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GreenGO Slim Interface for 2-wire/partyline systems

2 wire party line interface - The Green-GO 2W Slim Audio Interface links 2-wire analog intercom systems into the Green-GO digital Ethernet network.

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GreenGO Rackmount kit for GGO 2W / 4W / BRIDGE / SW5

Switch Rotary Encoder with Push button 11mm EC11B15244 5V 10mA and Knob Black Straight

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GreenGO Quad 4-wire Audio Interface

Audio interface* 2 and 4 wire systems

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Ultra-Compact 500-Watt 6-Channel Portable PA System with Bluetooth Wireless Technology, Wireless Microphone Option, KLARK TEKNIK Multi-FX Processor and FBQ Feedback Detection

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Ultra-Compact 200-Watt 5-Channel Powered Mixer with Wireless Microphone Option, KLARK TEKNIK Multi-FX Processor and FBQ Feedback Detection

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