Clair Brothers

Inhoud Clair Brothers

Clair Brothers Yoke mounting bracket + hardware for 5CX

Yoke mounting bracket + hardware for 5CX

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Clair Brothers 5CB

2-way passive coax pt source: 5"LF, 1"HF | 120°conic | Dome

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Clair Brothers Active coaxial, horn-loaded: 15"LF, 3"HF|60°Hx60°V|No grille

Active Coaxial, Horn-loaded Loudspeaker 15” LF, 3” HF (60°H x 60°V), No grille

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Clair Brothers Rigging hardware kit for 15CX (2x Vertical)

Rigging hardware kit for 15CX (2x Vertical)

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Clair Brothers Passive coaxial, horn-loaded: 12"LF, 3"HF |60°Hx60°V| Grille

Passive Coaxial, Horn-loaded Loudspeaker 12”LF, 3”HF (60°H x 60°V), Grille

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Clair Brothers Active coaxial, horn-loaded: 12"LF, 3"HF|75°Hx75°V|No grille

Active Coaxial, Horn-loaded Loudspeaker 12”LF, 3”HF (75°H x 75°V), No grille

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Clair Brothers CS118/C10-GSA

CS118 to C10 Ground Stack Arm Assembly

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Clair Brothers Pair Tripod Stands

Pair Tripod Stands, Height: 4' 3" to 6' 9" ( 1.3m to 2.1m)

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Clair Brothers Grid Assembly, Single Point kiT Grid

Grid Assembly, Single Point kiT Grid

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Clair Brothers RSS

Active 2-Way Full Range Stair Speaker 2x5” LF, 1” HF (90°H x 60°V)

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