Tannoy VSX 8.2BP

Twin 8" Compact Band Pass Passive Subwoofer for Portable and Installation Applications

€--,-- Sans les taxes
Tannoy VSX 10BP

10" Compact Band Pass Passive Subwoofer for Portable and Installation Applications

€--,-- Sans les taxes
Tannoy VSX 12.2BP

Twin 12" Compact Band Pass Passive Subwoofer for Portable and Installation Applications

€--,-- Sans les taxes
Tannoy VSX115B

15" Direct Radiating Passive Subwoofer for Portable and Installation Applications

€--,-- Sans les taxes
Tannoy VSX118B

18" Direct Radiating Passive Subwoofer for Portable and Installation Applications

€--,-- Sans les taxes
Tannoy VSX215B

Twin 15" Horn Loaded Passive Subwoofer for Touring and Installation Applications

€--,-- Sans les taxes
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