Klark Teknik DN540

Quad Compressor Limiter

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Midas DP48

Contrôle ultime sur votre son live. Entendez chaque musicien comment vous voulez l'entendre. Le DP48 est le premier mélangeur de surveillance personnelle MIDAS.

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Automatic and Ultra-Fast Feedback Destroyer/Parametric EQ with 24 FBQ Filters

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High-Definition 31-Band Stereo Graphic Equalizer with FBQ Feedback Detection System

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High-Definition 31-Band Stereo Graphic Equalizer with FBQ Feedback Detection System

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Le FX2000 est un processeur multi-effets qui vous permet de compiler un grand nombre de sons et d’effets selon les 71 algorithmes utilisés.

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Lake LM 44

Lake-LM44 processing

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Lake LMX 48

Audio System Processor with Raised Cosine EQ and Simultaneous Cross-Platform Parameter Adjustment for Loudspeaker Management and System Control in High-Performance Applications

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Lake LMX 88

Audio System Processor with Raised Cosine EQ and Simultaneous Cross-Platform Parameter Adjustment for Loudspeaker Management and System Control in High-Performance Applications

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